
LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration

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  • Product Version: 2.3.0
  • Product Last Updated:: 17.12.2021
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LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration


Zapier is a service that makes that easy because of you after connect couple applications without the want in imitation of know code, currently together with a library about atop 300 applications. Zapier calls it connections “Zaps”, or it integration lets ye beget Zaps so consist of LearnDash activities.

Add-On Features

Perform movements within atop 300 services based about seven specific LearnDash activities: Trigger moves into sordid purposes now any person enrolls between a course, completes a course, completes a lesson, completes a topic, passes a quiz, fails a quiz, then completes a quiz.

Supports both world and unique LearnDash activity: Perform an work primarily based of a global tournament (i.e. each and every day a mock is passed), or set over a specific set off (i.e. when a sure quiz is passed).

Easily connect LearnDash after the popular Zapier program barring code: Simply assemble a modern LearnDash set off of your WordPress admin dashboard or the integration communicates the quintessential statistics together with Zapier.

Example Use Cases

  • Add a user in conformity with an electronic mail list (MailChimp, aWeber, etc.) as much quickly as he enroll into a course
  • Add a person in accordance with an electronic mail listing now he finish a course (great because cross-promotion!)
  • Track whole failed pepper tries for a unique path of a Google Doc
  • Generate a assist desk label (HelpScout) now someone fails a quiz
  • Add customers after the CRM board concerning you desire (Salesforce, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, etc.) now that sign up between a course
  • Send a notification (email and SMS) so anyone enrolls into a course
  • Generate an bill (Freshbooks, Xero, etc.) when a course is complete
  • Post after Twitter or Facebook so anyone completes a instruction


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